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📌 These are topics that I can perform additional research in that might help form the future of AIE.
If a paper prompted the topic idea, it is referenced.
- capstone engineering design
- ABET engineering outcomes (A-K outcomes) profs pick 3-4 of the outcomes per course, which course meets which objective - 2 courses per objective Bass et al., 2016 Rover et al., 2014
Papers that cite...
Agile already in Education
- How does collaboration and project management rank in CS programs? (Pope-Ruark, 2015)
- Analyze course catalogs for CS programs to find out how many: (Pope-Ruark, 2015)
- offer project management courses
- offer Agile/Scrum courses
- etc.
Agile in the Workforce
- How many companies are Agile? Scrum?
- What size companies? What are college grad hire rates?
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