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📌 Create a tool to support students during group programming projects utilizing Agile and Scrum concepts.
My goal is to create a tool that will:
Help Students
- Positive experience with Agile/Scrum and group work
- Understand not just how, but why Agile and other tools Stellman & Greene, 2014
- Helps students follow Agile and Scrum principles
- Prepare for entry into industry jobs
- Increase team accountability to motivate all team members to participate
Help Instructors
- Manage a course where there may be several independent teams working concurrently on unrelated projects
- Tracking, Maintaining, and Grading
- Provide feedback to students to increase knowledge and skills
Avoids unnecessary/complex setup/maintenance
The tool is easy to use
Maintains a free model to ensure students can utilize the tool without cost or having to request special education exceptions
Focuses on only the important parts of Agile/Scrum/etc.
My goal is not:
- To create the best tool out there but to create the best tool I can
- Solve all the problems that exist as some solutions to some problems will impact others and some problems are better solved by other tools
My goal with the research:
- Dissemination of research in an area that has a lot of related publications but not a lot of direct research.
- An intentionally designed tool that:
- can be utilized at any institution.
- supports students during group programming projects utilizing Agile and Scrum concepts.
- helps students understand not just how, but why Agile and other tools (Stellman & Greene, 2014).
Target Audience
- First time:
- Never been exposed to Agile/etc. concepts before
- This might be their first group programming project
- This might be their first project spanning multiple files
- This might be their first project where they need to work on it for more than a week
- Not first time (e.g., capstone courses):
- May have been exposed to Agile concepts before
- May have utilized other Agile tools or project management tools.
- Guidance surrounding Agile is expected to be provided by the tool.
- Project Length:
- The project assigned is expected to be worked on across several weeks.
- The project may span a full semester or two
- Instructor check in:
- The teams will check in with the instructor regularly (~weekly)
- The teams will check in with the tool and the instructors will have access.