Key Features
- Current Work
- Current Sprint Health
- Current Sprint Burndown
- Current Sprint Tasks
- Remaining work by assignee
Project Health
- Project
- Burndown
- Burnup
- Realization by Time by Team Members
- What is the most important information you think the student should be viewing regularly?
- Burndown for instructor/client
- Who is working on what?
- What to do.
- What information can be presented to the students to enhance team accountability and reduce social loafing and free riding?
- Can the tool help them to relate better?
- Can group interactions be tracked and relayed to the instructor allowing earlier interventions?
- Do you think burndown by issue would be helpful?
Instructor Mirroring
Key Features
- Single Project
- Project Health
- Burndown
- Burnup
- Realization by Time by Team Members
- Realization by LOC by Team Members
- Realization by tag by Team Members
- All Projects
- Realization by Time by Team
- Realization by LOC by Team
- All Burndowns
- What are the key pieces of information you want to see about your students' projects
- At a summary level
- Percent of spent
- Total files, etc
- At a detailed level
- Status of working
- Burndown by student
- Delay in reporting spent time
If you had access to an automated snapshot that showed a status as of e.g., Monday at 6am, what would you want included?
- Timeline that shows amount of Agile maintenance vs. coding. This will show teams that are focusing too much on coding
Instructor Advising
Key Features
- What are indicators that a team may be having issues?
- Distributed workload
- Work isn't being done
- Loss of steam
- Std Dev of team members workload
- Project Health
- end of sprint
- end of project
- Has there been a tool that gave instructor specific log in that had a good workflow to "prove" you were the instructor?
- Once clicking log out, do you expect it to log you to:
- log out of the tool
- log out of the tool AND GitLab?
- After changing an issue type, where to expect to go? The table for the new type or old type?