<aside> 📌 Note: The Survey Instruments and Interview Instruments documents were not changed. The file submission dates were updated to today as I inadvertently updated those documents with the consent documents, but the PDFs were reverted back to the original files.
Added text in question A of the Research Design section
Bucknell University's involvement with the research is only through Dr. Brian King and his course, CSCI205.
Added text in question A of the Research Design section
Dr. Brian King is the professor for the Bucknell CSCI205 course. His involvement beyond normal instruction of the course includes distributing survey and interview links. He will not have access to any raw research data other than what is normally accessible as a part of the course.
Old text in question A of the Research Design section
Students and Instructors will be asked to complete three different surveys at various points of their final project (at the beginning, weekly and at the end. Surveys will be slightly different for the Spring versus Fall semesters. There is no recruiting for surveys as the participants are all students of the same course. Participation will be voluntarily and not required to complete the course. Extra credit will be provided for completion.
New text in question A of the Research Design section
Students and Instructors will be asked to complete three different surveys at various points of their final project (at the beginning, weekly and at the end. Surveys will be slightly different for the Spring versus Fall semesters. There is no recruiting for surveys as the participants are all students of the same course. Participation will be voluntarily and not required to complete the course. These surveys are only being conducted for research purposes. Extra credit will be provided for completion. Students who wish to earn the extra credit but not participate in the study may participate but opt out of having any data persisted for research purposes.
Added text in question A of the Research Design section
The two tools used in the course relevant to this research for the Fall course include the university hosted GitLab and Agile-GitLabCE https://lilyheart.github.io/agile-gitlabce/. Both of these tools are the standard tools used as a part of this class and has been for the past several semesters. GitLab is similar to Georgia Tech's GitHub and is a platform used in CSCI205 to manage a programming project. Agile-GitLabCE is reporting tool that summarizes the information stored in GitLab. Students input information into GitLab data such as time spent working on a portion of their project into GitLab and Agile-GitLabCE produces a chart summarizing this data (burndown chart) and summarize the hours spent by all team members. Any team member can access this information at any time. In the Spring course the Agile-GitLabCE tool will be replaced with a new, to be developed tool. The new tool will act as an interface to GitLab. The tool will perform the same actions in GitLab via the GitLab API that the students would have with hopefully less frustrations. The data being collected is no more than what the students and instructors already have access to. The information will be summarized to points such as how frequently the students use the tools provided to them and how frequently they needed to make corrections in the system.
Old text
All students and instructors in the Bucknell CSCI205 course will be allowed to participate.
Anyone not in the Bucknell CSCI205 course will be allowed to participate.
New text
All students and instructors in the Bucknell CSCI205 course, 18 years or older, will be allowed to participate.
Any students and instructors not in the Bucknell CSCI205 course or under 18 years old* will be allowed to participate.
Old text
Participants in this study must be a current student in the Bucknell CSCI205 course not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
New text
Participants in this study must be a current student or instructor in the Bucknell CSCI205 course, 18 years or older, and not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
Old Text
Your participation in this survey is expected to last no more than 30 minutes.
New Text
Your participation in this survey is expected to last no more than 10 minutes. All surveys combined are expected to last no more than 90 minutes.
Your participation in this survey is expected to last no more than 30 minutes. All surveys combined are expected to last no more than 90 minutes.
Old text:
Participants in this study must be a current student in the Bucknell CSCI205 course not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
New text:
Participants in this study must be a current student or instructor in the Bucknell CSCI205 course, 18 years or older, and not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
Added text:
Instructors will not receive compensation.
Added text:
At the end of the survey, you will be presented a web-link to a separate survey if you wish to receive course credit. The two surveys are not linked together through key codes or id values. The second survey will ask for your student id in order to receive credit.
Old text:
Participants in this study must be a current student in the Bucknell CSCI205 course not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
New text:
Participants in this study must be a current student or instructor in the Bucknell CSCI205 course, 18 years or older, and not located in an EU country at the time of completing this survey.
Added text:
Instructors will not receive compensation.
A letter of permission from the Bucknell IRB has been attached. The letter states:
The Bucknell IRB approves you for data collection, interviewing, and surveying on Bucknell’s campus as part of a research project approved by Georgia Tech’s IRB during the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters.