<aside> 📌 Note: The Survey Instruments and Interview Instruments documents were not changed. The file submission dates were updated to today as I inadvertently updated those documents with the consent documents, but the PDFs were reverted back to the original files.


  1. In your response to question A of the Research Design section, please clarify how Bucknell University is involved in this research.
  2. In your response to question A of the Research Design section, please clarify how Dr. Brian King is involved in this research.
  3. In your response to question A of the Research Design section, please clarify if the surveys are part of the course (will be conducted without the research) or are only being conducted for research purposes. The way compensation information reads is that tool the usage data and the surveys will be collected whether someone wants to be in the study or not and that consenting to be in the study will only allow the data to be used for research purposes.
  4. In your response to question A of the Research Design section, please provide examples of the tools that are being used and the data that is being collected from these tools.  The current information regarding this is too vague to properly conduct a review of what is being collected from the participants.
  5. Your response to questions C and D of the Subjects, Inclusion, and Exclusion Criteria section in the submission and the Exclusion/Inclusion Criteria section in both consent forms does not specify that participants must be 18 years or older.  Are you enrolling students who are younger than 18 in this study?
  6. The "What Is This Study About and What Procedures Will You be Asked to Follow?" Section in Key Information page of the Survey Consent form only discusses how long one of the surveys will take to complete.  This is inaccurate as you are asking these participants to complete multiple surveys throughout the semester, and this activity will take longer than 30 minutes to complete as a whole. Please reconcile.
  7. The Exclusion/Inclusion Criteria section of the Survey Consent does not include information about the instructors who are also being enrolled in this study. Please reconcile.
  8. The Compensation section of the Survey Consent does not state that instructors will not be compensated.  Please reconcile.
  9. The information provided in the current Compensation section in both the Survey Consent form and the submission states that those who do not want to participate can still complete the surveys for extra credit.  As the participant's are not signing the consent form, how will you know who enrolled in this study and who did not.  Please clarify.
  10. Please make the following revision to Participants Rights section in the Survey Consent. -- Current: You do not waive any of your legal rights by signing this consent form. -- Change to: You do not waive any of your legal rights by agreeing to this consent form
  11. The Exclusion/Inclusion Criteria section of the Interview Consent does not include information about the instructors who are also being enrolled in this study. Please reconcile.
  12. The Compensation section of the Interview Consent does not state that instructors will not be compensated.  Please reconcile.
  13. Are you consenting the class to collect the tool usage data from them?  Or should this be included in one of the current consent forms?  Currently, students and instructors are not providing consent for their data to be used for research purposes.
  14. Please provide permission from the Bucknell IRB to conduct this study on campus during class time.